Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Day 14 - Tom Wolfe

Wednesday, 26.07.2017

Woke up at Vincents apartment. We drove to me and watched Medium. Then we got into the city by bicycle. I bought Chili-sauce and crabscrackers. But there were ugly. Smelled after dog food and fish food. I've had the aftertaste of shredden fish heads in my mouth. We drank a coffee at "Coffee Latte", but what the fuck! The cheapest coffee for 2,75 tastes lousy. I think a coffee house should make good coffee, for this its there. Anyway, Vincent spoke with a redeemed christian, who held a huge poster about humans and sins and whatsoever. It started raining and we got very wet during the way homewards. We visited Wolf, but I stayed shortly and then did the envelope ready for Patricia Arquette. The porto was only 3 Euro and change. At home I watched 3 episodes of Medium. I made me ready for cinema, but the rain did not stop, so I decided to stay home. I wanted to watch "Valerian".

Expect the crabs crackers, it was a pretty okay day.

Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017

Life of Pi 2012

german title: Life of Pi - Schiffbruch mit Tiger
director: Ang Lee
script: David Magee
based on the same-named novel by Yann Martel
land of production: USA
setting: India, the Sea
genre:  Drama, Adventure
year of release: 2012
starring: Suraj Sharma
               Irrfan Kahn
               Gérard Depardieu etc.
FSK: 12 / PG-13
rating: * * * * *  of 5 points

An author wants to publish the extraordinary life story of Piscine Patel. Piscines family maintained a zoo in India. Piscine chumed up with several religions and always lives with them for a certain time. The family wants to emigrate with the zoo and takes all the animals on board to a large ship. This capsizes during a powerful storm and soon Piscine is left alone. A tiger will accompany him the longest time.

This drama, which at the end of the film dissolves its parable, captivates with a beautiful look (amazing 3D!) and a particularly touching story. Here everything succeeded, a masterpiece! Mystical and enchanting. With a very wise attitude.

Ein Autor möchte die aussergewöhnliche Lebensgeschichte von Piscine Patel veröffentlichen. Piscines Familie unterhält einen Zoo in Indien.  Piscine freundet sich mit mehreren Religionen an und lebt diese immer für eine bestimmte Zeit.  Die Familie möchte mit dem Zoo auswandern und nimmt  alle Tiere mit an Bord eines großen Schiffes. Dieses kentert währrend eines  mächtigen Sturms und bald ist Piscine auf sich allein gestellt. Ein Tiger wird ihn die längste Zeit über begleiten.

Dieses Drama, welches erst am Ende des Films seine Parabel auflöst, besticht durch wunderschöne Optik und eine besonders rührende Story. Hier gelingt alles , ein Meisterwerk!  Mystisch und verzaubernd.  Mit einer sehr weisen  Haltung.

Day 13 - Tom Wolfe

Monday, 24.07.2017

I slept at Vincent's apartment. Drove to my lawyer to get my weekly money. Did some groceries. Listened to Wilco. Drove to Vincent, so he can cut me a skinhead, but his razor was broken. So I am forced to handle my tousle-head. We bought a good chilean red wine and three becks. Vincent was boozing the wine and got rapidly drunken. He wrote on his Shirt: "I want the world domination - But I am a dictator". Then he spoke about presenting me his 1700 €uro bike. Next day he denied it.

Samstag, 22. Juli 2017

Essay über den Selbstmord

Wenn man wüsste, dass es danach irgendwo anders weitergeht, würde ich sofort Schluß machen. Aber vielleicht ist das Ende wirklich das Ende. Und warum soll ich etwas beenden, was ich habe, wenn ich danach nichts mehr habe? Ist es nicht mehr kriegerhaft durchzuhalten, als sich zu töten? Ist ein Selbstmord überhaupt ehrenwert? Denk an die Sklaverei und all die verachtenswerten Weisen, wie Menschen leben mussten und trotzdem durchgehalten haben. Ich könnte mir jetzt die Rasierklinge nehmen und alles beenden. Ein paar werden noch an mich denken. Ein paar Bilder sind irgendwo verstreut. Gedichte. Aber ich bin weg. Geister gibt es nicht. Da ist nichts mehr. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich dann im Himmel Kurdt Cobain und Jimi Hendrix treffe. Ich glaube, dann ist alles vorbei. Wenn mir also dieses Leben gegeben ist, sollte ich mich mächtig am Schlüpper reißen und versuchen das beste daraus zu machen. Und ich gebe nicht mit einer Depression an. Ich finde es immer komisch, wenn man sagt, er war depressiv darum hat er sich umgebracht. Wenn einen nichts mehr fröhlich machen kann, hat man dann nicht total den Sinn des Lebens verarscht? Die einfachen Freuden des Lebens, die nichts mit Geld zutun haben. Jeder kann die haben und wer das Leben absolut nicht mehr ertragen kann, was für ein Mensch ist er? Dann ist er sehr krank und muss behandelt werden, bevor er sich wirklich noch das Leben nimmt. Aber du bist niemand besonderes, weil du depressiv bist. Jeder ist mal traurig. Natürlich habe ich auch große Träume und bin millionen Kilometer davon entfernt, aber das heißt nur dass ich weiterkämpfen muss. Und wer kein Kämpfer ist, der nimmt sich das Leben. Das ist meine Meinung. Es bedarf natürlich Mut dazu, sich umzubringen. Aber man weiß auch, es bedarf noch größerer Tapferkeit sich den Gewalten des Lebens zu stellen. Im Sturm erkennt man, wer stark genug ist, standzuhalten. Dann, auf deine alten Tage, wenn alle, die du geliebt hast, schon gestorben sind und du merkst, du bist körperlich nicht mehr in der Lage, das Leben zu genießen, sei es dir gegönnt, dich zu verabschieden.

Day 12 - Tom Wolfe

Friday, 21.07.2017
Woke up at 10. Listened to "Beast of Burden". Searched for a book I could read. Decided not to read Harry Potter again, its too boring. Done a walk outside with my electronic cigarette. Ate soup at Tonys and met Ulrike. She wants a golden snitch as a necklace. I read a little Tom Wolfe "Charlotte Simmons", decided this book is okay for my book-shop, but I am not motivated to read it by myself. Then went to the deaconship to print a letter for the employment agency. I also found four good books there and they only cost 2 Euro! Then Vincent visited me and I let him in my apartment for listening spotify music while I went to work. Basically cutting roses and watering the plants. My employer said 90 Euro are too much earning for the month for me. I have to reduce my work, so I only earn 70 Euro. Thats really mean. I hope I am allowed to do an aprenticeship, otherwise I kill myself. I am transgender and the psychotherapist doesnt take me seriously because I am also a psychotic. So thats a never ending roadwork. And I get depressed in that womans body. And then not allowed to earn money? Do I need  more reasons to kill myself? Chester Bannington had 6 children, millions on the account, a house near Los Angeles... I only wanna live a life whats for me. I only wanna travel someday. Not being poor so much. I really dont know what I am going to do, if they deny me working. Life is too precious to end the living, but I think then I really do Crystal Meth. What do I have to lose then? Last time they wanted to put me into sheltered workshop....

After work I frantic drunk a coffee and then we drove to a festival. But I recordnized I needed a break to recover, maybe 30 minutes, but I hadnt. So I was in a bad mood. We drank a beer near the supermarket and when we arrived at "Stuss am Fluss" (Which means: "Baloney at the river"), we experienced, that the entry was 5 Euro and I dont wanted to pay that much. I drove home and on the way I found a new package of Gauloises. Now, when I decided to stop smoking! God is a villian! At home I read Hermann Hesse and watched Seinfeld and The President Show. I drank the second beer and smoked Gauloises.

A mediocre day.

Freitag, 21. Juli 2017

Day 11 - Tom Wolfe

Thursday, 20.07.2017

I woke up at 11. Listened to the Rolling Stones "Beast of Burden". Then walked to Tony's for lunch. It was mashed potatoes with eggs. Vincent visited me and we drove to the riverside. We went into water, but it wasnt deep enough to swim at that point. Next to us sat a couple and the man was smoking a joint. At home I started watching a documentary about the Band "Death", but I lacked of concentration. My life dream was omnipotent, but I wasnt able to have him NOW. I packed a bag for travelling despite I've got not the money. I decided to do every day something what has to do with my life dream. I was a little depressiv, because I couldnt stop smoking. I've had the plan to save the tobacco money for a dog. In the afternoon I visited Wolf and I drank his very old and dusty red pearl wine. Smoked some dope through his pipe.

A mediocre day.

Day 10 - Tom Wolfe

Wednesday, 19.07.2017

Woke up with Vincent at half past 10. We made coffee like every morning. When he left my biggest life dreams came back to surface and I felt very very motivated and good. Its a good thing when you've got dreams. I went for a walk in the hot midday sun and met Sanne. Shes really a cookie. She sits on an electronic wheelchair. I ate an eggsalad-sandwich. At home I read Allen Carrs Stop-smoking book. I smoked "my last cigarette" and then drove with vincent through the city to a Coffee-house. Vincent spilled milk all over the table. I've seen this nice lesbian girl with her Jack-Russell-Terrier again. Then I visited "Elbenwald", a merchandise shop for nerds of Harry Potter, Star Wars and this kind of stuff. Its very expensive. My sister got healthy, thats nice news. I really didnt smoke for 4 hours. But then I lightened 5 cigarettes in a row. Uggh. Dr. House was on TV, while I was falling asleep.

Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017

Day 9 - Tom Wolfe

Tuesday, 18.07.2017

In the morning I drove with my bike to my doctor to get my monthly injection against my illness. Then I had a conversation with my doctor. She wanted to hear, what my voices tell me, but I didnt say anything. Thats private. At home I smoked the last rest of the dope, half a hut. Then I bought a vikings beer. The day was done. I felt not very good. I was yearning for Los Angeles. Then drove to Vincent and we sat on his balcony and smoked cigarettes. Then we drove to me to watch a pothead-movie. We decided to watch "Ananas Express", but then quit and listened to music. He played Tocotronic and I was in bed and watched pictures of Patricia Arquette on my mobile phone. Vincent slept in my apartment.

A mediocre day.

Day 8 - Tom Wolfe

Monday, 17.07.2017

At lunch I ate a vegetarian kebap. Miss Dilind visited me, another social-worker, because mine has vacations. She manages a bullet journal. I am too lazy for this. We made a plan for the week. I did the kitchen. Vincent visited me and we withened the wall, but the opacity was bad. I dont understand, because its said, this is the best white. Anyway, Vincent and me smoked bong and listened to Kleingeldprinzessin aka Dota Kehr. When he left, I was busy with facebook and twitter and listened to Alain Bashung.

Not a special day, but a day.

Montag, 17. Juli 2017

Day 7 - Tom Wolfe

Woke up at 9:30. Wanted to the mass, but there I am closer to god and my god is a book god and all the weeks I did not read a book. So, I hope this week it becomes better. Tomorrow I start with Harry Potter and another novel. So I stayed home. The pain came back, mediocre, not very strong. I smoked some dope because I got bored. Vincent invited me for an ice. But there at the ice shop I met again with Neffke, and he is awkward. I couldnt really enjoy the time with him and soonly, after one beer, I left with Vincent. Vincent lost his keys on the way and departed the whole way triply. His mother on the phone was enraged and disappointed, because Vincent just got his new apartment since 3 months and then loses his keys. Anyway. I smoked another hut and watched "Ehe ist" and"Futurama" and "South Park". I dreamt my sister beth beheaded a cat. I took the cat together again, but she head was crooked. I really dont know, what this dream should mean to the real world. At night I made an alphabet soup with cooked water from the water boiler. And then I took some noodle powder over it. But the letters were still tight. It wasnt delicious, it tasted really disgusting.

Not so nice day, but a day.

Sonntag, 16. Juli 2017

Day 6 - Tom Wolfe

Saturday, 15.07.2017
Woke up at 9. Read Harry Potter. Then I got stomach ache. I phoned my man, but he hasnt got some dope. After the pain I drove to the supermarket buying IceTea, milk and Yoghurt-drink. Then Wolf took my bike and drove to his man. We smoked together at my apartment, bully his bulldog was with us. We listened to Lou Reed. Then I went to sleep.

Not a special day, but a day.

Samstag, 15. Juli 2017

Day 5 -Tom Wolfe

14.07.2017 Friday

Woke up at 9. Lorenz also slept at my apartment. Made coffee. Then searched one hour for a special song, someone burned for me to CD. But I could'nt find it. At noon I went to Tonys for a solyanka. It was delicious. I took a nap and then drove to my employe, but she did not opened the door. I dont waited too long, because I wasnt in the mood for working today. I strongly was struggeling with my pms, so what. At home I took a sleeping pill, because I heard voices in my head, a light version of psychosis. I slept til the next day, while "Til Death" got aired on TV.

A shitty day, but a day.

Freitag, 14. Juli 2017

Day 4 - Tom Wolfe

Got up at 9. Took a walk outside. Then my socialworker visited me and played my CD's per laptop on my mp3-player. We went to Tonys, but we werent very hungry for potatoe-soup. I went to the butcher and ate fried potatoes. I bought a package cigarettes, which is normally way to expensive for me and I cant afford. But the hell with it. I love normal cigarettes. It was 6,30 Euro. Then visited Vincent. We just listened to music and he was reading the teletext. At home I arranged my furniture in a better way. Then I watched music videos. I had the very stupid insight to buy 2 vikings beer (which are 4 normal beer). And then I played the video "Like a rolling stone" by the rolling stones in a loop. I love Patricia Arquette in here. I love the deranged version of her. I've got much sympathy for the poor and fucked up. I called my man for crystal but he hadnt something there. And I had no money. So what. This was a crackpot idea. No, I dont do crystal. Its enough to afford my tobacco addiction. I think, I was manipulated by the video. So I drank two big vikings beer and the day was done. Vincent came by and brough chicken nuggets, a milk, potato chips. We started watching "Ghost in the Shell" with Scarlett Johannsson, but the quality was lousy. I smoked the whole package of cigarettes. At night I dreamt of Garte. I was bleeding like hell out of my vein and she rescued me. She left her mobile phone for me and said: "I love you."

A shitty day, but a day.

Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017

Day 3 - Tom Wolfe

I woke up at 10. I went through the apartment like a tiger through the cage. Its often that way, when I dont act out my energy-level. Never underestimate the efficiency of a walk outside. I went to Johns and bought a sandwich. Then I searched for something in TV, but there was only shit. I shortly visited Vincent. At home I listened to the Rolling Stones and started to whiten the walls. Vincent came by and brought two beer for us. We smoked the pot, which I just leaved for the pain. I am that dumb! I never can keep the dope for the really important. We listened to Nine Inch Nails and I read a poem of Emerson to Vincent. We thought about watching Baywatch in the movies, but I told him thats really trash. Not trash like a cool trashmovie, just garbage, which hoaxes the audience. When Lorenz couldnt stop talking, I kicked him out. I listened to John Frusciante and falled to sleep.

Not a special day, but a day.

Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017

Day 2 - Tom Wolfe

I woke up at 8:45 am. Then drank 2 coffee. I went to the supermarket and then drove to my lawyer to get the money for the bed. I visited Vincent shortly. He still was very sleepy. I went to Tonys and ate noodles with tomato-sauce. At home I chatted with Beth. She's still ill of kissing-disease. I sent my sister the song "Man must dance" by Johnossi, because she doesnt know this band. I phoned my employe, that I've got no time for working today. Then I did my budget and gave an estimate. Vincent visited me and we brought my old bed outside beside the garbage. Its a functional bed, some one can use it again. Albert came also and helped me doing some stuff. Then I drove with my dad to the furniture-sale for buying the bed. Dad was two weeks before in Venedig, but he havent seen the water. What a pity. He was there for delivering some furniture. Wolf sent me a message "Come to master Wolf - we have a meeting." And I bought for him dark beer and for me a Wikinger beer. I said "When I smoke the whole day is for the ass." And he said:"Nuts! Its like your day just started." And I said:"Well, then I smoke a hut." So I got a little high at Wolf's. When I went home, soonly Vincent visited me and assembled the bed for me. Very nice. I wasnt very motivated to do it by myself. I think its so stupid work: srewing, screwing, screwing.

Not a very special day, but a day.

Montag, 10. Juli 2017

Day 1 - Tom Wolfe

The night was stormy and rainy. I went to the balcony of Vincent and the rain drops
clapped against his sunshade. I smoked a cigarette. The evil mosquito had finally moved.
At 10:00 am his social worker came by. I know her too. She's a hard-working bee. 

We three drank together black coffee. Vincent drank triply strong. When I left, I listened
to Pete Yorn on the bicycle. Visited my lawyer to get my money. At home I struggled with
the optimation of my living room. How to afford all this? I smoked 5 cigarettes in a row.
I went to Johns and ate Brussel sprout stew. 2 big portions. In the shop window I discovered
that I put on weight again, maybe 4 pounds. Vincent said I look chubby. Then my own 
social worker appeared and we went to a furniture-sale, to buy some equipment for coloring
the walls of my room. I think tomorrow I'm gonna start. Then I met Wolf and we bought
some dope. I took half a gram for the monthly pain. He invited me to smoke. I provided
the bong and then we smoked. He drank a black beer and me a pils. His dog is incontinent,
that made some trouble. I've got a dog by myself, but he is made of plush. He never gets
incontinent, neither he needs to go for a walk. All I do is cuddle him during falling asleep.
Maybe thats the more uncomplicated sort of dog. When I went home I started to list exact
details of my week-plan, but that was way too neurotic for me and I stopped it. I listened
to my Spotify-mixtape and than called Vincent. He brought potato-salat with him, and
beer and milk. I was very yearning for a coffee. Black coffee isnt my favourite choise.
I gave Vincent a Joint. But soon he started talking paranoid, psychotic stuff. I feared it. Its
often that way. He said one of his brain half still lies down in Berlin Köpenick. 
I wasnt able to listen to all this sort of crap and said, it would be nice if
he leaves and he did without lamenting. Then I drank the second beer and smoked a 
couple of cigarettes, listening to A-Camp. 

Not a special day, but a day.

Sonntag, 9. Juli 2017


Run with the wolves.
Chafe in the fire.
Dance the ghost dance.
Bring fresh flowers.

Dive into the deepest depths.
Smoke a hobbit pipe.
Seats on a stump
And paint a picture of nature.

Or sing, dont mind if
You can not.
Somehow you sing your
Cheerful song and
Then do one

Buy an expensive dress
Or a suit.
Leave Facebook behind
And better start

Read a very expensive book.
Buy rad earrings
You have never seen before.

Weep and laugh.
Do not make any plans.
Plans are for neurotics.
Live in the day.
Listen to your belly.

Write a poem
To your loved one.

And never tell me
Again, life is

Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2017

Boys on the Side (1995)

german title: Kaffee, Milch und Zucker
director: Herbert Ross
script: Don Roos
land of production: USA
setting: New York etc.
genre:  Dramedy
year of release: 1995
starring: Whoopi Goldberg
               Drew Barrymore
                 Marie-Louise Parker
FSK: 12 / PG-13
rating: * * *  of 5 points

The singer Jane drives to the west with the broker Robin. They also pick up Jane's girlfriend Holly. When Holly's friend becomes palpable, the three women tie him to a chair. They soon set up a residential community. Robin can no longer hide her secret about her "allergy" ...

Nice emotion movie. Good character development. Not very elaborately staged. A film about friendship and farewell. Not very well worked out end. Lets you fall by the wayside. But the interplay of the three main protagonists is nice to look at, even if the film appears not very diligent.

Die Sängerin Jane begibt sich mit der Maklerin Robin auf eine Fahrt Richtung Westen. Sie holen auch noch Janes Freundin Holly ab. Als Hollys Freund handgreiflich wird, fesseln die drei Frauen ihn an einen Stuhl. Sie gründen bald eine Wohngemeinschaft. Robin kann ihr Geheimnis über ihre "Allergie" nicht länger verbergen...

Schöner Gefühlsfilm. Gute Charakterausarbeitung. Nicht sehr aufwendig inszeniert.  Ein Film über die Freundschaft.  Und ein Film über das Abschiednehmen. Nicht sehr gut herausgearbeitetes Ende. Lässt einen auf der Strecke.  Aber das Zusammenspiel der drei Hauptprotagonisten ist schön  mitanzusehen, auch wenn der Film über weite Strecken  ein bisschen lotterig erscheint. 

Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017

Rough Night

german title: Girls' Night Out
director: Lucia Aniello
script: Lucia Aniello
           Paul W. Downs
land of production: USA
setting:  Miami
genre:  Comedy
year of release: 2017
starring: Scarlett Johannsson
                Zoe Kravitz
                 Jillian Bell
FSK: 12 / PG-13
rating: * * *  of 5 points

5 friends meet for a hen party in an expensive beach house in Miami Beach. They have a wild evening with cocaine, weed and loads of alcohol. When they engage a stripper, the evening gets out of control ...

Feel-Good Movie. Scarlett Johannson plays very well. Strongly exaggerated. The story is exciting, but often vulgar. Mediocre comedy.

5 Freundinnnen treffen sich zu einem Junggesellinnenabschied in einem teurem Strandhaus in Miami Beach. Sie haben einen wilden Abend mit Kokain, Gras und jede Menge Alkohol. Als sie einen Stripper engagieren, gerät der Abend jedoch außer Kontrolle...

Feel-Good Movie. Scarlett Johannson schauspielert sehr gut. Stark überzogen. Die Story ist spannend aufgebaut, aber immer wieder derbe. Mittelmäßige Komödie.  

Wonder Woman

director: Patty Jenkins
script: Allan Heinberg
based on DC Comics
land of production: USA
setting: fictional Themyscira, Europe
genre:  Superhero
year of release: 2017
starring: Gal Gadot
                Chris Pine
                David Thewlis
FSK: 12 / PG-13
rating: * * * * of 5 points

The female Amazon people live on the island "Themyscira". They are trained as warriors, because their mission is to kill the war god "Ares". This gets achieved by the sword "The Godkiller". The daughter of Hippolyta (the queen), is the only child on the island and is called Diana. She gets  a hard training after she has convinced her mother. It is the time of the First World War. Steve Trevor, a spy, falls from a plane near the island and gets rescued by Diane. She has never seen a man. Soon they allied themselves to kill the war god ...

 A charming filming. As a result of Diana's isolation on an island, she discovers the true nature of humans and learns about it. The audience shares her hopes. Gadot manages to play a militant woman who is full of naivete. This mixture makes the film so attractive. The visualization of the historical time is really good. The story is very well developed. Succeeded.

Auf der Insel Themyscira lebt das Volk der Amazonen. Sie werden zu Kriegerinnen ausgebildet, denn ihre Mission ist es den Kriegsgott "Ares" zu töten. Dies gelingt durch das Schwert "Der Göttertöter". Die Tochter von Hippolyta, der Königin, ist das einzige Kind auf der Insel und  heißt Diana. Ihr wird erst die Kriegerinnenausbildung verweigert, um dann doch eine harte Ausbildung zu bekommen, nachdem sie ihre Mutter überzeugt hat.  Es ist die Zeit des ersten Weltkrieges. Steve Trevor, ein Spion stürzt nahe der Insel ins Meer und wird von Diane geretttet. Diese hat noch nie einen Mann gesehen. Bald verbünden sie sich um den Kriegsgott zu töten...

Eine charmante Verfilmung.  Resultierend aus Dianas  Isoliertheit auf einer  Insel , entdeckt sie die wahre Natur des Menschen und lernt dazu.  Der Zuschauer teilt ihre Hoffnungen. Gadot gelingt es, eine kämpferische Frau zu spielen, die voller Naivität steckt. Diese Mischung macht den Film so attraktiv.  Die Visualisierung der historischen Zeit ist wirklich gut. Die Story ist sehr gut aufgebaut. Gelungen.  

All Eyez on Me

director:  Benny Boom
script: Jeremy Haft etc.
land of production: USA
setting: USA
genre:  Biography
year of release: 2017
starring:  Demetrius Shipp Jr.
FSK: 12 / PG-13
rating: * * of 5 points

The life story of the rapper Tupac Shakur gets told in here. It begins with his childhood in the New York Ghetto, his musical beginnings and his breakthrough on the west coast. Also reported is his mother's addiction on crack and his prison stay for sexual harassment. It ends with the murder in Las Vegas.

The film lasts 140 minutes and has clearly excess lengh compared to the illustrated narrative structure, which means that starting from the second half, one begins to get bored. Otherwise moderately entertaining, solid representation of Demetrius Shipp Jr as Tupac, very good soundtrack. Tupac is brought down here from his throne. That he made 700 songs is really impressive. But the film does carries the audience, it does not go into the depths.

Erzählt wird die Lebensgeschichte des Rappers Tupac Shakur. Es beginnt mit seiner Kindheit im New Yorker Ghetto, seinen musikalischen Anfängen und seinem Durchbruch an der Westküste. Auch wird berichtet von der Cracksucht seiner Mutter und seinem Gefängnisaufenthalt wegen sexueller Belästigung. Bis zum Mord Tupacs in Las Vegas.

Der Film dauert 140 Minuten und hat für die dargestellte Erzählstruktur eindeutig Überlänge, das heißt ab der zweiten Hälfte fängt man sich regelrecht an zu langweilen.  Ansonsten  mäßig unterhaltsam, solide Darstellung von Demetrius Shipp Jr als Tupac,  sehr guter Soundtrack. Tupac wird hier von seinem Thron runtergeholt.  Dass er 700 Songs machte, ist wirklich beeindruckend.  Aber der Film reißt einen nicht mit sich, er  geht nicht in die Tiefe.


german title:  Mädelstrip
director:  Jonathan Levine
script: Katie Dippold
land of production: USA
setting: USA, Ecuador, Colombia
genre:  Adventure, Comedy
year of release: 2017
starring:   Goldie Hawn
                 Amy Schumer
rating: *  of 5 points

Emily wants to go on holiday with her boyfriend in Ecuador, but he leaves her. So she travels there with her mother. Unfortunately, both get abducted ...

A very weak comedy, hardly funny, yes, you get almost vicarious embarrassment. Goldie Hawn is definitely wrongly casted in here and hardly comes into her own. Amy Schumer is somehow not funny enough. A catastrophic movie. Dont go see it.

Emily möchte mit ihrem Freund in Ecuador Urlaub machen, doch er verlässt sie. Also reist sie mit ihrer Mutter dorthin. Leider werden beide entführt...

Eine sehr schwache Komödie, kaum witzig, ja, fast ist es zum Fremdschämen. Goldie Hawn ist hier definitiv falsch besetzt und kommt kaum zur Geltung. Amy Schumer ist irgendwie doch nicht witzig genug. Ein katastrophaler Film.  Nicht gucken!