Montag, 2. Januar 2017

sometimes you need a stranger - poem

in your glimpse is sadness and longing
Mysterious stranger when will I see you again  
Can not say anyone To covet you. Like a sip of 
water in the desert. Mother earth has spit us out 
And our way crossed for a couple of times
 I wanted to see you smile. I often sit
 Lonely on the balcony, a cigarette in the mouth, 
And look into the night. And the night is
 Softly like me. praying to the other lonely.

in your glimse - sadness and longing and me -
in that moment I've said everything 
and I can feel how deeply you are rowing.
 I see it in your eyes. And you, star kid, 
Do not want to understand that there is nothing to  
Understand when the moment has said everything.
 Immortal beautiful. Immortal sad.

Forever. in the bus. Or on the way. 

Sometimes I wonder if my grown
 Gormlessness gets once again academic
 Or whether I for ever live from hand to mouth. 
But if I see that I'm still alive And dreaming.  
What do I need more. Then I can think
yes, I have perfectly forgotten what was taught me. 
What is Happiness other than simple look over the
 Simplest things. And these include the 
Magical moments when you look at me so
 With your eyes like a deer, who wishes to
stand behind a tree watching through 

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