Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2017

Blizzard of 2017 - poem

In the blizzard of 2017

I will go there without knowing

Where I am without knowing

who I am. Without without.

I see nothing more.

Not even footsteps.

I'm new here.

Here was no one before me.

I have a cross-necklace around the neck.

And my mokkasins.

The snow freezes on my nose.

I can not feel my toes anymore.

My breath is dewy.

And my hands look forward to the fireplace.

Can someone tell me where I am?

Can someone show me a warm place?

Nobody opens the doors.

The headwind becomes stronger.

I lose my scarf and do not find it anymore.

I'm afraid my toes are dead.

There, a window, light. People.

I'm ringing, but no one opens the door.

I'm afraid to freeze fully.

Where am I, where do I have to go?

Then, finally, a man.

He's trembling like me.

And he drinks a beer.

We share it.

Without saying anything.

There, in the deserted train station.

Until we freeze to death.

Two strangers hand in hand.

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